This is by far the most exhausting pre-production I can remember. Me and my researcher also threw a fight over this brought about by exhaustion, sleeplessness and terrible dinner. Traffic was extremely terrible and it is not a wise idea to proceed to Angono to conduct an ocular leving Manila at 6pm when you have to leave Angono before 11pm because you have to return to Manila to go to Angono again (still with me?) with my technical crew.
I was nervous the entire night/morning before the event started because a director whom I hardly work with, one of the most notorious ones in implementing strict rules is coming.
To make matters worse, Drew failed to arrive because he got sick.
I thought this is gonna be a cursefest for me but it was the complete otherwise.
The gay beauty contestants were all out in showing what they've got- fake boobs bigger than mine, long eyelashes (scary!) extravagant flowing gowns and heavy make-up! Wow! dragshow in the morning, love it! they spice up the segments.
Yay! :)