Ayoko ng Vig@n empan@da. I don't see what the hoopla is all about.
I may have an Ilocano blood but never would I enjoy another Vigan empanada. It's too sinful. I could just imagine the look on Drew's face upon learning I downed almost two large pieces of Vig@n emp@nada. Him being the epitome of healthy eating would defintely don a sorry look on me. I can't believe Tes$a Niet0, one of my favorite people in the world ate too much and not gain weight. Arrgh.
So on with the event...
We opened Tiendesitas very early to give a headstart on what to give moms on mothers' day. Nothing too fabulous or extremely fancy, everything was nice and subtle, and I was just pissed that we weren't given enough exposure because the supposed three gaps was reduced to two. That sucks