Shelly had been through hell with this pre-production. Normally, our event requirements would be okay and ready to be mounted for the next day by 4pm the day before live. But this time it wasn't the case.
Artista related events aren't reliable. I said so because artistas schedules are crazy, which is why our supposed event didn't worked out so Shelly had to look for a back-up story.
She discovered an amazing Pinoy chef who used to work for a royal family in the middle east, and as soon as it was given a nod by the boss, she went to cavite to conduct a quick survey of the location, along with raymond. On her way there, and myself just at the network, it was decided *sigh* that the chef could not possibly fill up the 3 segments required for the show. I argued that it could, but I didn't win. The boss decided that it would be better to feature summer must-have shopping tips.
So shelly flew from cavite to ortigas in a span of four hours, juggling activities such as explaining to the chef why we can't conduct a live event at his place, sitting through traffic and getting the event requirements for the shopping segment. She wasn't able to go home and change her clothes. She insisted that it was okay and that she's used to that. Apparently her aging segment producer (Ako, haha) is not used to that alnighters anymore. Had she not been my researcher I wouldn't stick around to wait for her until she gets back.
Funny thing was, cum live show we aired only twice, as opposed to the usual 3 segments required. That got me thinking, maybe we could still feature the amazing chef after all.
But who are we to complain?